Here are some frequently asked questions.
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Why should I choose an orthodontist?

Orthodontists are specialists in moving teeth and aligning jaws. They are uniquely qualified in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of orthodontic problems. In addition to his dental school training, Dr. Hancock has completed a 3-year full-time residency program in orthodontics.

During residency Dr. Hancock learned how to manage tooth movement (orthodontics) and guide facial development (dentofacial orthopedics). Along with his advanced education, practicing orthodontics exclusively has given him the wide range of experience and knowledge necessary to provide the best treatment for each patient.

At what age should I bring my child in for a consultation?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends a check-up with an orthodontist no later than age 7. However, the right time to bring a child in for a visit to the orthodontist is any time the child or parent is concerned. Even if your child’s teeth appear straight, there may be developing problems that only an orthodontist can detect. When you bring your child in for an initial consultation, we will evaluate your child and determine the best timing for orthodontic treatment.

At our practice we are conservative, and we find that most children are able to be treated with “all at one time” orthodontics in their pre-teen and teenage years. Every child is unique, though, so it is best to have an evaluation done at a young age to ensure the proper timing for their treatment.

Do you offer orthodontics for adults? How about braces that don’t show?

Yes, we offer orthodontics for patients of all ages, including adults. We have many treatment options available for all of our patients, regardless of their age.

Treatment options include clear plastic aligner trays (Invisalign™ also called “invisible braces”), retainers for minor tooth movements, clear brackets and traditional braces. We also offer lingual braces, which are slim braces worn behind the teeth that are invisible from the front.

When you meet with us for your evaluation, we can decide together what the best treatment option is for your specific needs.

Why would my child need “two-phase” or early orthodontics?

Some children may require orthodontic treatment while their face and jaws are still growing and they still have several “baby teeth”. For these special cases, early treatment is necessary to prevent more serious problems from developing or to achieve results that may not be possible once they have finished growing. This type of orthodontic treatment is called early or “two-phase” orthodontics because a child needs a first orthodontic treatment while there are still several “baby teeth”, and then requires a separate phase of treatment later when they have all of their permanent teeth in.

At your child’s evaluation we will check their jaw growth and emerging teeth, and we will most likely recommend monitoring their growth and development for the right time to begin orthodontic treatment. Whenever possible, we prefer to do comprehensive or one-step orthodontics during a child’s pre-teen and teenage years; this is optimal because it is less expensive for the patient and there is less total time in treatment. If early treatment is necessary, we prefer to keep it as simple and short as possible.